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Accurate Model AFV Detailing

Accurate Model AFV Detailing First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review September 2008 Title Accurate Model AFV Detailing
Presenter Angus Creighton Publisher Compendium Films
Published 2008 Format DVD, one disc
MSRP (USD) $24.95

First Look

I don't know about you, but I enjoy watching the 'DYI' (Do It Yourself) shows on television. Reading about how to do something from DYI books can be very useful, but like the old saying goes, one picture is worth a thousand words. DYI videos can really convey a lot of information in a very short time.

Accurate Model AFV DetailingAccurate Model AFV Detailing

Here is another interesting DYI from Compendium Films. I was pleasantly surprised with the techniques presented in their aircraft detail DYI and I wondered how they would top that. I wasn't disappointed.

As with their aircraft title, this DYI DVD tackles the art of detailing armored subjects, but not in the way most other how-to books and videos thave done in the past. The presenter walks you through the essential steps in most armored projects. The emphasis here is on WWII German armor. The title covers a number of detailing areas that should be of interest to the modeler wanting to take their work to the next level. Accurate Model AFV Detailing

The chapters/techniques presented in this DVD set are:

  • Hull Preparation
  • Texturing Steel
  • Zimmerit
  • Smaller Details
  • Wheels and Tracks

In addition, there is a section 'DVD Extras' that contains:

  • Alternative Zimmerit Finishes
  • Angus Creighton Profile
  • Model Panorama
  • Sources & References
  • Recommended Products

One good example of this video's deals with the surfaces of the hull and turret. The presenter explains the manufacturing process for rolled steel verus cast metal parts and how to take a smooth plastic surface and replicate those surface details without going too far. The techniques shown can be accomplished by any modeler given the simplicity of these presentations.

One other nice touch was the time spent with reference photos to show the modeler what to look for in these photos to distinquish between casting textures, steel casting sprues that were cut away, cut marks, weld marks, and how all of that comes together in a properly detailed model that is usually not replicated in a stock kit.

This is a great DYI video to get you focused on the details. If you're competent at seam lines and the basics of modeling, this is the next step in your development process to be able to achieve the stunning results that you see on contest tables. The best part of all of this is that the presenter doesn't rely on aftermarket details to achieve these results, rather he keeps a supply of common materials to do his own detailing which ends up as nice as (if not better than) aftermarket parts. Take a look at those landing gear struts in the image above - both are stock styrene parts, one has been filed, drilled, and fitted to create that nice result!

I definitely recommend this video to all amor/AFV modelers. Like similar modeling how-to videos we've seen, I would also strongly recommend that IPMS chapters buy copies for their club libraries to help educate new modelers.

My sincere thanks to Casemate for this review sample! I hope you'll be doing more!