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Link-to-Link Track Jig

Link-to-Link Track Jig First-Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of First Look February 2006 Manufacturer Panzer Meister
Subject Link-to-Link Track Jig Pros Excellent track link assembly tool
Cons Unknown availability MSRP (USD)


I've been interested in building armor for years now, but quite frankly, dealing with individual track links was a bit intimidating. When I attended one of VLS-sponsored Mastercon shows a few years ago, I found an interesting tool that would help with assembling lengths of track links.

Link-to-Link Track JigProduced by the Panzer Meister, the Link-to-Link Track Jig is an anodized aluminum fixture that is a trough that is adjustable in width to allow for the track links to sit flat and be snapped or glued together, depending on the links you're using.

In the middle of the adjustable plate is a storage 'pit' to safely keep your current batch of links close at hand. The set is completed with a small section of angled aluminum which makes for a handy tool to hold down your assembled lengths of track to the jig while adding the next link to the chain. Simple and very effective.

Link-to-Link Track JigI recently had the opportunity to finally use this tool as I hadn't built a tank with track links since originally purchasing the tool. The track links in this case were the feature-heavy DML links for the Panther V late and the tool worked flawlessly. I was able to assemble lengths of track with virtually no effort at all.

This is an essential tool for the armor builder. I am unfortunately uncertain of the availability of this particular tool, but you can contact the manufacturer at:

The Panzer Meister
PO Box 181
Smithton MO 65350-0181