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Bf 109F-4 Plaque

Warbird Recovery Bf 109F-4 Commemorative Recovery Plaque Review

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review February 2005 Manufacturer Warbird Recovery
Subject Bf 109F-4 Commemorative Recovery Plaque Primary Media Wood Plaque w/Bf 109F-4 Part
MSRP (USD) $69.95 + S&H


Here is an interesting way to own a piece of history and to help support the restoration of a Messerschmitt Bf 109F-4 to flying status! Warbird Recovery, a part of AirAssets International of Lafayette, CO, has recovered W.Nr. 10144 from Northern Russia and is steadily restoring the airframe. You can read the aircraft's history from the laser-etched plaque:

Warbird Recovery Bf 109F-4 Plaque

The aircraft has remained in the frozen wastelands since it was shot down in 1942 before its recovery in 1994. A large number of parts will have to be fabricated to repair the crash damage and exposure to the elements for over 50 years. To help fund this effort, Warbird Recovery has created this laser-etched plaque with a history of the aircraft and its last pilot (who survived the incident) and have affixed one of the parts, together with a certificate of authenticity on the back.

Warbird Recovery Bf 109F-4 Plaque

If you join the Warbird Recovery organization, you'll receive one of these plaques for free. Normal retail price of the plaque alone is $89.95 USD, but if you mention seeing the review on Cybermodeler Online and you join the Warbird Recovery organization (which is FREE to join), you can own this piece of history for $69.95 USD plus $9.00 shipping and handling.

Check out their website at to see the restoration process of the Bf 109F-4, the test flights on the Me 262, and the first flight of an Fw 190! You'll definitely want to bookmark this one with all of the great news and warbird information!

My sincere thanks to Warbird Restoration for this review sample!