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Spitfire Mk.IX in the Israeli Air Force Service 1948-1956

Spitfire Mk.IX in the Israeli Air Force Service 1948-1956 Book Review

By Kelly Jamison

Date of Review July 2011 Title Spitfire Mk.IX in the Israeli Air Force Service 1948-1956
Author Alex Yofe Publisher White Crow Publications
Published 2010 ISBN 0-9774627-0-6
Format 152 pages, softbound MSRP (USD) $28.00


Alex Yofe and White Crow Publications have proven themselves the leader in early IAF subjects. The other subjects they cover, such as the P-51, S-199 and T-6 Texan in early Israeli use are now the go to manuals on studying and modeling this subject.

Most pictures are published for the first time in these books. Although they range in quality, they are outstanding in subject matter and relevance to the story being told.

The color profiles are extremely well done and cover Spitfires from both sides of the Egyptian conflicts. The artist, (who happens to be the author too!) picked very interesting schemes to reproduce and cover the span of the different schemes that were found through the years.

This book is well produced and well laid out with easy to read fonts. Most of the verbiage is related to the photos. It is a little light in the history but there are other more laborious books on the subjects to read. This is a must have for anyone interested in the complete history of the Spitfire and the early IAF. What makes it even more impressive is that this book is the first in an excellent series. I am saving my bucks for the rest of the series. Stay tuned for more from Alex Yofe and White Crow Publications.