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M5 and M5A1 Stuart Light Tank

M5 and M5A1 Stuart Light Tank Book Review

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review July 2006 Title M5 and M5A1 Stuart Light Tank
Author David Doyle Publisher Crooked Creek Publishing
Published 2006 ISBN 0-9786084-0-2
Format 40 pages, softbound MSRP (USD) $19.95


Stephens International is the US importer for a wide variety of hobby products, not the least of which are the prolific line of Trumpeter scale models. Well they've stepped into a new realm, working with publisher Crooked Creek Publishing to produce a new line of hobby references.

M5 and M5A1 Stuart Light Tank

In this first installment, author David Doyle takes a look at the Jeb Stuart light tank, both the M5 and M5A1. The M5 was a major improvement over the earlier M3 Stuart, replacing the radial aircraft engine with a pair of V8 Cadillac engines on a Hydramatic transmission. The resulting tank was quickly adopted and put into mass production between April and December 1942. By the time production ceased, over 2000 examples had been produced from three different production lines.

The title is a photo study of the subject with lots of period photos of the vehicle in the field and in training. The layout and captioning is similar to other hobbyist oriented titles, but this one supplements the excellent black and white period photos with full-color detail shots in and around the hull and turret of the Stuart.

In this interesting 40-page monograph, there are 79 color and 64 black & white photos, plus three-view diagrams of the vehicles. Those 79 color photos are not all contemporary walk around photos, the author has also uncovered some nice (and rare!) period photos of the Stuart in service. Nice!

This will make a nice addition to your technical library and project work bench! Definitely recommended for the hobbyist and armor enthusiast!

My sincere thanks to Stevens International for this review sample!

Oh yes, the second installment is scheduled to be the M41 Walker Bulldog!