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Sd.Kfz.171 Panther G w/Steel Road Wheels

Model Laboratory - Sd.Kfz.171 Panther G w/Steel Road Wheels Book Review

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review April 2013 Title Model Laboratory - Sd.Kfz.171 Panther G w/Steel Road Wheels
Author Fernando Gonzalez Publisher Accion Press Modelismo
Published 2013 ISBN 9788495464774
Format 30 pages, softbound MSRP (Euro) 6.00€


Here's a new series of monographs from Accion Press - each one takes a particular kit and walks the modeler through basic assembly, application of aftermarket details, painting, marking, and weathering. In this case, the author starts with DML 6370 and takes it beyond the already nice detailing provided in the stock kit. Bear in mind that this series assumes you have good modeling skills already as they focus on what they did differently than covered in the kit's instructions. Instead, the author spends a little more time in application of primers, basic camouflage colors, and weathering. Much of the model is painted using the Vallejo series of Panzer Aces, Model Color, and Model Air acrylics as well as Tamiya acrylics and MIG Production products.

I remember seeing an article sometime back about using a variety of oil-based primary colors (blue, green, red, yellow, white, black) and applying these as an array of small dots over the completed camouflage. The dots are applied over a coat of Oderless Mineral Spirits and the dots dissolve over a period of time. When ready, a soaked brush is used to blend the various dots into the background and really break up the monotonous paint scheme with impressive weathering results. This monograph walks you through the process and I'm going to give this one a try!

Once the project is complete, a nice photo essay is provided of the completed subject. The author provides color profiles of four different alternatives to the basic Panther Ausf.G subject followed by a nice survey of 1/35 scale kits and aftermarket details for the Panther series.

This monograph is really done to take the experienced model builder and provide some advanced painting and weathering techniques which not only apply to the Panther subject of this edition but also to a range of other subjects. This looks like a series worth keeping around for handy reference when you're trying to remember a unique technique or two that will help you take your next project to the more advanced level.

My sincere thanks to Accion Press for this review sample!