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North American B-25 Mitchell Volume II

North American B-25 Mitchell Volume II Book Review

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review November 2003 Title North American B-25 Mitchell, Volume II
Author Krzysztof Janowicz & Waldermar Pajdosz Publisher AJ Press
Published 2002 ISBN 83-7237-103-2
Format 120 pages, softbound MSRP (USD) $22.99


AJ Press has released part two of the B-25 Mitchell's history. These titles are published in Polish only with photo captions in Polish and English. Why would you want to buy a Polish aircraft reference? Read on!

How many times have you picked up one of the Koku Fan Famous Aircraft of the World monographs and found it useful for getting a glimpse at certain details for an upcoming project? Chances are that you don't read Japanese, yet these well-illustrated titles bring together some great information for the modeler. The historian gets left out of this unless they do read Japanese.

The story picks up early in WW2 with the B-25s of Doolittle's daring raid into Japan and runs through operations in all theaters. There are some great shots of the Pacific straffers and their colorful paint schemes (in B&W).

North American B-25 Mitchell Volume II

The majority of this book covers operations and history of the B-25 though it also provides a nice selection of color profiles as well. There is also a set of scale (1/72) three-view drawings for the major variations of the B-25G/H/K included as a removable insert. Nice touch!

This title is a must-have for all aviation historians and modelers alike. You can find this title and many of the other titles from AJ Press at the Air Connection website (

My sincere thanks to Air Connection for this review sample!