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Flak 36/37 88mm Gun

21st Century Toys 1/18 Flak 36/37 88mm Gun Kit First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review November 2008 Manufacturer 21st Century Toys
Subject Flak 36/37 88mm Gun Scale 1/18
Kit Number N/A Primary Media Styrene
Pros Beautifully detailed replica with lots of working features (except the gun itself, of course) Cons
Skill Level Novice MSRP (USD) Out of Production

First Look

Flak 36/37 88mm Gun
Flak 36/37 88mm Gun

21st Century Toys released this interesting subject in 1/18 scale, the famous Flak 36/37 88mm gun. The 88 was well known by veterans of the North Africa campaign because this 88mm anti-aircraft weapon was adapted by the Afrika Korp as a direct-fire anti-tank weapon with devastating effects. The weapon made a distinctive sound when fired and became well-known not only in North Africa, but on all theaters of operations against German forces.

This distinctive replica is the huge 1/18 scale and has a long list of features, which also means that many of these parts will be delicate and easily broken. This is not a toy that you'd want to give a child.

The replica comes with the gun and gun shield on its transportable base. A pair of casons are also provided to tow the 88 to its next site of operations. The set is rounded out with two ammo boxes containing three rounds apiece.

This model is designed with the following features:

  • Two casons, each able to authentically mount and carry one end of the gun platform
  • Stowable tow bar on one cason
  • 'Driver' position on one cason
  • Stowable lateral arms on the gun platform
  • Gun can be moved in azimuth and elevation
  • Ammo loading tray can be moved into position behind the breech or stowed
  • Gun slided on its recoil mounts
  • Travel lock can be used on barrel or stowed
  • Foot pads are adjustable

This is another nice looking release. This would look nice on a desk of anyone interested in historic firepower, and the 88 was definitely known and feared by allied forces in Europe and North Africa.

You can find these at any one of the retailers listed on the 21st Century Toys website.

My sincere thanks to 21st Century Toys for this review sample!