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Sd.Kfz.186 Jagdtiger Porsche Production Type

DML 1/35 Sd.Kfz.186 Jagdtiger Porsche Production Type - Premium Edition Kit First Look

By Cookie Sewell

Date of Review December 2008 Manufacturer DML
Subject Sd.Kfz.186 Jagdtiger Porsche Production Type - Premium Edition Scale 1/35
Kit Number 6351 Primary Media 1,014 parts (921 in grey styrene, 44 in etched nickel, 31 in etched brass, 8 clear styrene, 4 white metal, 4 aluminum pins, 1 turned aluminum barrel, 1 length of twisted steel wire)
Pros Updates an older kit with some new features, only offering of this lesser produced version of the Jagdtiger Cons Not replacing the six-piece paired track links with DS Plastic single runs will not be a plus; no Zimmerit on hull or related components
Skill Level Experienced MSRP (USD) $37.95

First Look

The Germans were good on competing designs in order to determine the best product, and as a result there were two different prototypes of the massive Jagdtiger: a Henschel one, using the same interleaved suspension as the Tiger II, and a simpler Porsche design with eight staggered twin wheels. The Henschel design won out, and only ten of the Porsche design suspension vehicles were built.

DML has released these kits several times in the past, and with this fourth release they have chosen the Porsche suspension version for an upgrade with the “Premium Edition” treatment. On basic review of what materials I have on hand, that mainly consists of a few of the features from the other Tiger II “Premium” kits such as a turned aluminum 12.8 cm barrel and white metal towing shackles.

The one thing this kit in particular could have used is a set of the nice DS plastic tracks DML does so well. Alas, they have left the five-part single link paired tracks in the kit which are very tedious to clean up and assemble, which is unfortunate. They are very accurate when assembled, but each part consists of a flat link (with ejector pin marks to remove), a connector link, and three stabilizer bar/connector links for each track link pair.

Also missing is the fact that since these were among the earlier production models all of the information I have is that they received the “zimmerit” paste coating. The Jagdtiger is relatively unique in this area as it only extends as high on the side of the vehicle as the designers apparently thought Soviet troops with “sticky bombs” could reach, so they sported what looks like a “waterline” on the sides of the casemate. Again, DML did not modify the hull to wear this paste, so the modeler must apply it himself.

The rest of the kit shows some attention to detail and cleanup by the DML production team. But the interior components remain sparse (they are hard to see once installed) and most of the original components remain unchanged.

The upgrading was overseen by Hirohisa Takada, Minoru Igarashi and Dragon’s engineering team; technical support provided by Gary Edmundson and Tom Cockle.

Two finishing options are provided, both for Pz.Jg.Abt. 653: one in sand (black 102 with crosses) and one in tricolor patterns (black 314 with crosses). Oddly five sets of numbers are provided on the decal sheet (black 323, black 332, black 102, black 331 and black 314) as well as two styles of crosses. The decals are from Cartograf.

Overall many modelers will be happy to see this version back, but it is a bit disappointing that it got the “Premium” treatment without upgrading two of its less impressive features.

Thanks to DML for the review sample.

Sprue Layout:

  • A 11x2 Drivers and idlers
  • B 50x2 Hull fittings and details
  • C 42 Jagdtiger upper hull and details
  • D 54 Gun mantlet, barrel and upper details
  • E 10 Interior and gun breech
  • F 100x6 Jagdtiger track links
  • G 6 Fenders and skirts
  • H 32x2 Road wheels and suspension
  • I 1 Lower hull pan Porsche suspension
  • S 1 Twisted steel wire
  • W 4x2 Clear styrene
  • MA 44 etched nickel
  • MB 1 Turned aluminum barrel
  • MB 4 white metal
  • MB 4 aluminum pins
  • MC 31 etched brass
  • TA 8 German generic tools - OVM
  • TC 4 German generic tools - cable heads