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Yokosuka MXY7 Ohka Model 22 Kit

Brengun 1/48 Yokosuka MXY7 Ohka Model 22 Kit First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review May 2018 Manufacturer Brengun
Subject Yokosuka MXY7 Ohka Model 22 Scale 1/48
Kit Number 48002 Primary Media Styrene, Photo-Etch
Pros Easy construction, nice detailing Cons See text
Skill Level Experienced MSRP (USD) $23.95 w/free shipping

First Look

Yokosuka MXY7 Ohka Model 22 Kit

The Yokosuka MXY7 Ohka (Cherry Blossom) was a purpose-built manned flying bomb used to conduct suicide attacks on allied warships during World War II. Bearing a strong resemblance to the Fieseler Fi 103R Riechenberg (piloted V-1), the Ohka Model 11 was carried within gliding range of its target by a G4M2 (Betty) bomber before release. From there, the pilot would head towards his target and light off one or more of the three rocket motors to make the Ohka difficult to hit by the ship's gun crews. One of the shortfalls of the Model 11 was that it had to be released close enough to its target area that many times the Betty was intercepted and shot down before the Ohka could be launched.

To improve the performance of the Ohka and the survivability of its launch platform, the Model 22 was developed with a number of changes including replacement of the warhead by one half as large (1300lbs versus 2600lbs) and replacement of the rocket engines with a motor-jet. Before gas turbines were readily available, a 'hybrid' solution was developed using a four-cylinder gasoline engine turning a compressor which developed the jet thrust, and fuel was injected into the airflow and ignited for additional thrust. This motor-jet-powered Ohka could sustain powered flight to its target much longer than the short-burn rocket motors in the Model 11. While the Model 22 first flew before the end of the war, none were believed to be used operationally and an insufficient number of motor-jets were available in any case.

Brengun first released this kit in 2017 and is the only injection-molded kit of the Ohka Model 22 produced to date. The kit is molded in tan styrene and presented on a single parts tree, plus one tree of clear part(s), and one small fret of photo-etched details. Among the features and options in this kit:

  • Basic cockpit
  • Canopy designed to be closed only
  • Optional transport trolley

The kit also includes a set of waterslide decals for the simple markings on the Ohka.

While a relatively quick and simple build, this kit will provide an interesting subject for the contest table.

This kit is available from HobbyZone USA.

My sincere thanks to HobbyZone USA for this sample!