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OKB Chelomey 16KhA Priboy Kit

Brengun 1/48 OKB Chelomey 16KhA Priboy Kit First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review May 2018 Manufacturer Brengun
Subject OKB Chelomey 16KhA Priboy Scale 1/48
Kit Number 48001 Primary Media Styrene
Pros Easy construction, nice detailing Cons See text
Skill Level Basic MSRP (USD) $20.95 w/free shipping

First Look

OKB Chelomey 16KhA Priboy Kit

In 1941, Vladimir Nikolayevich Chelomey was and aeronautical engineer who developed the Soviet's first pulse jet engine. By 1944, after learnnig that the Nazis were using a pulse-engine-powered missile against targets in Britain, the Soviets appointed Chelomey to head aircraft plant number 51, formerly led by Nikolai Nikolayevich Polikarpov, designer of the I-15 and I-16 fighters. Later to become Experimental Design Bureau (OKB) 52 or Chelomey OKB, this group developed the Soviet's first cruise missile based upon the pulse-jet engine and thanks to recovered parts scattered about England from expended V-1s. The OKB's first test flight was reported in December 1944 using their first flight-worthy design designated 10Kh. The OKB continued developing better, more capable examples which included the twin-engined 16KhA, before their focus was shifted to ballistic missile technologies.

Brengun first released this kit in 2016 and has since followed up with a reissue as kit 48003 with decal options for a Soviet flying target. Molded in tan styrene, this kit is presented on one parts tree and is a simple build. Among the features and options:

  • Nice twin-engined V-1 derivative
  • Optional transport trolley

This first release doesn't include decals as the subjects provided in their color profiles depict unmarked test articles.

While a relatively quick and simple build, this kit will provide an interesting subject for the contest table, while what-if modelers can have some fun depicting this as a follow-on V-1 design used by the Germans or other post-war test article.

This kit is available from HobbyZone USA.

My sincere thanks to HobbyZone USA for this sample!