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Anigrand Craftswork 1/72 YUH-61 UTTAS Kit First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review April 2009 Manufacturer Anigrand Craftswork
Subject YUH-61 UTTAS Scale 1/72
Kit Number 2086 Primary Media Resin
Pros Beautiful casting, nice test-fit Cons
Skill Level Intermediate MSRP (USD) $64.00

First Look


In the mid-1970s, the US Army initiated a program to acquire the next generation of utility helicopter to replace the UH-1 Iroquois. The program designated 'Utility Tactical Transport Aircraft System 'UTTAS' and two designs made it into a fly-off - the Sikorsky YUH-60 and the Boeing Vertol YUH-61. Build to a number of Army requirements, both designs share a number of similarities, but there were some distinctive differences as well.

The Boeing design kept its engines in enclosed pods similar to the CH-47 and the aircraft had a nosewheel. The Sikorsky has its engines integrated more into the airframe and featured a tailwheel.

In the end, the Army selected the UH-60, but Boeing had hopes that the Navy, who was looking for a LAMPS replacement for the SH-2 Seasprite would select the Boeing design as its landing gear arrangement was more suitable for flight decks on the stern of most US combatants. Nevertheless, Boeing also lost LAMPS to a navalized SH-60 design.

Here is another interesting rotary-winged subject from Anigrand Craftswork. This represents one of the flight test YUH-61 aircraft for the UTTAS fly-off. As with any of Anigrand's releases, this kit is molded in light tan resin and packaged in heat sealed compartments within the storage bag to protect the contents. The kit is nicely detailed and the casting is also well-executed.

The kit fits nicely together and looks to be a straightforward build. Anigrand has a nice interior set up for that hollow-cast airframe with details in the cockpit and main cabin.

Each one of these releases from Anigrand show progressively better casting with their clear resin process and the castings for the windshield, cabin windows and sliding doors are very nice. If they fit as well as they look, this kit is a vast improvement over some of their earlier helicopter subjects featuring vacuformed transparencies.

Markings are provided for one of the prototypes (73-21656) and for two other probably notional tail numbers.

Anigrand continues to turn out some interesting subjects to fill in the gaps of aviation history for those aircraft that didn't get past flight test.

My sincere thanks to the US importer, Nostalgic Plastic for this review sample!