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Mi-24R (RKhR) Hind Conversion

Linden Hill 1/48 Mi-24R (RKhR) Hind G1 Conversion First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review November 2006 Manufacturer Linden Hill
Subject Mi-24R (RKhR) Hind Conversion Scale 1/48
Kit Number 48006 Primary Media Resin
Pros A unique conversion for the Monogram kit Cons
Skill Level Intermediate MSRP (USD) $TBA

First Look

Here is an exclusive and quite unique modification to the Monogram (Revell) 1/48 Mi-24 Hind helicopter kit. This set provides the parts for the new sensors and tools for the Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC) reconnaissance helicopter variant that was first observed after the 1986 Chernobyl accident.

Mi-24R (RKhR) Hind ConversionMi-24RMi-24R

The instructions walk you through the deletion of the undernose gun and sensors, the deletion of the underwing armament, and the installation of the new parts. These include:

  • Air Conditioning Intake
  • Equipment Pod
  • Excavators (2)
  • Hydraulic Bays (2)
  • Starboard Door
  • Vacuformed Bubble Observer Window for new Starboard Door
  • Chaff Dispenser

This set will take the nice out-of-the-box Monogram Hind kit and transform it into the more ominous 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' reconnaissance aircraft.

This set is produced for Linden Hill by Heliborne in Moscow.

My sincere thanks to Linden Hill Imports for this review sample!