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C-130J Sponsons

Attack Squadron 1/48 C-130J Sponsons First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review Sep 2017 Manufacturer Attack Squadron
Subject C-130J Sponsons Scale 1/48
Kit Number 48039 Media Resin
Pros Nice correction for the Italeri kit Cons Nothing noted
Skill Level Intermediate MSRP (USD) $17.95

First Look

Attack Squadron from Poland produces some impressive resin kits, details, and conversions. Last year I found their engine nacelle set for the Italeri 1/48 C-130J which we examined and not surprisingly, the casting and details were impressive. More recently, I found the engine nacelle set for the Italeri 1/48 C-130H which provided an excellent correction for the short-nacelled kit engines. One other problem with the kit is with the wheel well sponson which was designed for the C-130A-E using the GTC power unit. The C-130H and J have an auxiliary power unit (APU) it place of the GTC and the portside sponson is noticably different in detail. Of course, so is the starboard side...

C-130J Sponsons

Here is set 48039 which provides replacement forward sponson parts for the C-130J kit but these well also be useful for the later C-130H models as well. The set is cast in gray resin and proved as two parts to replace the port and starboard side sponsons. The portside sponson is a separate part in the kit and the resin part will be a drop-in replacement. The kit's starboard sponson is molded as part of the fuselage half and has the NACA-type intake used up through the early C-130H models. The later H-models (check your references) moved the intake up to the front of the sponson and has a downward facing exhaust duct.

This set will correct the sponsons in the Italeri 1/48 C-130J kit as well as correct the APU fit of the Italeri/Testors C-130H and provide the updated starboard side sponson for the later-block C-130H models as well.

It is finally nice to have some of the essential details corrected on these kits, now if only we could have a set of lumps and bumps for the defensive systems.

This set is available from HobbyZone USA (look here).