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BRU-57 Smart Bomb Rack

Attack Squadron 1/48 BRU-57 Smart Bomb Rack First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review September 2017 Manufacturer Attack Squadron
Subject BRU-57 Smart Bomb Rack Scale 1/48
Kit Number 48014 Media Resin
Pros Nice update for modern tactical aircraft Cons Nothing noted
Skill Level Intermediate MSRP (USD) $13.95

First Look

Attack Squadron from Poland produces some impressive resin kits, details, and conversions. This set provides the latest canted vertical ejector rack (cVER) system for advanced guided weapons. This set includes two complete cVERs molded in gray resin and photo-etch.

BRU-57 Smart Bomb Rack

Here is an example of an F-16CM Block 40 with the BRU-57 carrying two GBU-54 LJDAMS on station three.

BRU-57 Smart Bomb Rack

Whether you want an assymetric loadout like the Viper above to a symetrical load, this set will provide you with the details to set your loadout different than many other offerings currently available.

This set is available from HobbyZone USA (look here).