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FCM Decals

FCM Decals 1/72 S-2 Tracker Latin America Decal First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date Review October 2009 Manufacturer FCM Decals
Subject S-2 Tracker Latin America Scale 1/72
Kit Number 72039 Pros Colorful choices of Latin American S-2 Trackers
Cons Skill Level Basic

First Look

FCM Decals has an interesting line of aftermarket decals from Brazil. The subjects covered in this line include many Brazilian civil and military aircraft subjects, WWI aircraft, and the occasional look at the aircraft of other nations as well. FCM has released this nice set for Latin American S-2 Trackers

FCM Decals FCM Decals

In this set, there are four S-2 Trackers to choose from:

  • S-2A, 133215, A-851, Base Aeronaval Capitan Curbelo, Uruguay Navy, 1965
  • P-16, 7018, 2°/1° Grupo de Av. Embarcada, Brazilian AF, 1976
  • P-16, 7026, 1°/1° Grupo de Av. Embarcada, Brazilian AF, 1976
  • S-2A, 2-AS-4, Esc. Aer. Antisubmarino, Argentinian Navy, 1965

The printing on this sheet is nicely done, and printed by Microscale. There are sufficient stencils on this sheet for one aircraft.

For a list of retailers that carry the FCM Decal series, look here.

Thanks to FCM Decal for this review sample.