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Begemot 1/48 Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer Family Decal First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review April 2011 Manufacturer Begemot
Subject Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer Family Scale 1/48
Set Number 48019 Pros Markings for 55 different Su-24s
Cons Nothing noted Skill Level Novice
MSRP (USD) $22.95

First Look

Begemot Decals is an interesting decal company from Rostov-on-Don, Russia that offers a nice array of markings for Russian-built aircraft. In this release, Begemot releases a Sukhoi superset previously released in 1/48 scale for the Trumpeter 1/48 Su-24 Fencer. In this set, there are 55 different aircraft portrayed here and it takes four sheets of decals to accomplish this feat. Let's take a look at the subjects covered:

Su-24 Su-24 Su-24 Su-24

  1. Su-24, Bort 24, 43 OMShAEh, Russian Navy, Gvardeyskoe AB, 2009
  2. Su-24, Bort 10, 4213 BRA, Russian AF, Chebenki AB, 2009
  3. Su-24, Bort 40, 149 GBAP, Soviet AF, Nikolayevka AB, 1985
  4. Su-24, Bort 07, 149 GBAP, Soviet AF, Nikolayevka AB, 1993
  5. Su-24MP, Bort 49, 118 APPP, Ukrainian AF, Chortkov AB, 1994
  6. Su-24, Bort 11, 600 AB, Kazakhstan AF, Zhetygen AB, 2000
  7. Su-24, Bort 06, 600 AB, Kazakhstan AF, Zhetygen AB, early 2000s
  8. Su-24, Bort 03, 277 BAP, Russian AF, Khurba AB, 1996
  9. Su-24, Bort 03, 959 BAP, Russian AF, Eisk AB, mid-2000s
  10. Su-24, Bort 27, 959 BAP, Russian AF, Eisk AB, 2008
  11. Su-24, Bort 27, Ukrainian AF, Vasilkov AB, late 2000s
  12. Su-24M, Bort 01, 4 GBAP, Soviet AF, Chernyakhovsk AB, 1989
  13. Su-24M, Bort 58, 146 OPAEh, Russian Navy, Severemorsk AB, 1995
  14. Su-24M, Bort 58, 4 GBAP, Russian AF, Chernyakhovsk AB, 2010
  15. Su-24M, Bort 19, 947 BAP, Ukrainian AF, Dubno AB, 2000
  16. Su-24M, Bort 14, 2 GBAP, Russian AF, Djida AB, 2000
  17. Su-24M, Bort 22, 7 BTA, Ukrainian AF, Starokonstantinov AB, 2007
  18. Su-24M, Bort 02, 559 BAP, Russian AF, Morozovsk AB, 2003
  19. Su-24M, Bort 17, 455 BAP, Russian AF, Voronezh AB, 2002
  20. Su-24M, Bort 40, 968 ISIAP, Russian AF, Lipetsk AB, 2007
  21. Su-24M, Bort 16, 7000 AB, Russian AF, Baltomor AB, 2010
  22. Su-24M, Bort 01, 277 BAP, Russian AF, Khurba AB, 1999
  23. Su-24M, Bort 50, 116 BRAB, Belorussian AF, Lida AB, 2009
  24. Su-24M, Bort 59, 277 BAP, Russian AF, Khurba AB, 2000
  25. Su-24M, Bort 29, 277 BAP, Russian AF, Khurba AB, 2003
  26. Su-24M, Bort 03, 277 BAP, Russian AF, Khurba AB, 2009
  27. Su-24M, Bort 05, 277 BAP, Russian AF, Khurba AB, 2009
  28. Su-24M2, Bort 75, 6988 AB, Russian AF, Khurba AB, 2010
  29. Su-24MK, Bort 31, 967 UBAP, Russian AF, Totskoe AB, 1996
  30. Su-24M, Bort 94, 237 TsPAT, Russian AF, Kubinka AB, early 1990s
  31. Su-24MK, Bort 93, 237 TsPAT, Russian AF, Kubinka AB, early 1990s
  32. Su-24MK, KX-53, 274 Wing, Algerian AF, Laghouat AB, 2009
  33. Su-24MK, 819 BS, Syrian AF, Tyaz AB, 2004
  34. Su-24MK, 106 BS, Iraqi AF, Tammuz AB, early 1990
  35. Su-24MK, Islamic Repubic of Iran AF, mid-1990s
  36. Su-24MK, 34 TFW, Islamic Republic of Iran AF, mid-2000s
  37. Su-24MK, Bort 37, 1023 BS, Libyan AF, Churdabia-Sirte AB, late 2000s
  38. Su-24MRK, KG-24, 510 RS, Algerian AF, Ain Oussera AB, mid-2000s
  39. Su-24MR, Bort 01, 313 ORAP, Russian AF, Bada AB, 2004
  40. Su-24MR, Bort 32, 125 ORAP, Russian AF, Domna AB, 2007
  41. Su-24MR, Bort 31, 511 GORAP, Ukrainian AF, Buyalyk AB, 1992
  42. Su-24MR, Bort 52, 968 ISIAP, Russian AF, Lipetsk AB, 2007
  43. Su-24MR, Bort 30, 43 OMShAEh, Russian Navy, Gvardeyskoe AB, 2009
  44. Su-24MR, Bort 08, 313 ORAP, Russian AF, Bada AB, 2004
  45. Su-24MR, Bort 15, 7 GORAP, Ukrainian AF, Starokonstantinov AB, 2009
  46. Su-24MR, Bort 32, 98 GORAP, Russian AF, Monchegorsk AB, 2010
  47. Su-24MR, Bort 111, 422 RS, Azerbaijan AF, Kudamir AB, 2009
  48. Su-24MR, Bort 32, 600 AB, Russian AF, Zhetygem AB, early 2000s
  49. Su-24MR, Bort 10, 47 GORAP, Russian AF, Shatalovo AB, 2001
  50. Su-24MR, Bort 11, 47 GORAP, Russian AF, Shatalovo AB, 2001
  51. Su-24MR, Bort 05, 47 GORAP, Russian AF, Shatalovo AB, 2001
  52. Su-24MR, Bort 40, Sukhoi OKB, Zhukovski AB, 1992
  53. Su-24MR, 60 AP, Uzbekistan AF, mid-2000s
  54. Su-24MP, Bort 18, 968 ISIAP, Russian AF, Lipetsk AB, 1995
  55. Su-24MP, Bort 15, 118 APPP, Ukrainian AF, Chortkov AB, 1994

As you can see, this decal set provides a wide variety of national Air Forces as well as some interesting markings for the Trumpeter kit, including three sharkmouthed Fencers. If you have the kit (or are considering adding one to your collection), then this is the decal set you'll need to bring it to life!

For more information about this set and the other releases from Begemot Decals, visit their website at

My sincere thanks to Begemot Decals for this review sample!