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Begemot 1/32 Polikarpov I-16 Family Decal First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review November 2011 Manufacturer Begemot
Subject Polikarpov I-16 Family Scale 1/32
Set Number 32007 Pros Markings for 47 different Polikarpov I-16s
Cons Nothing noted Skill Level Novice
MSRP (USD) $22.95

First Look

Begemot Decals is an interesting decal company from Rostov-on-Don, Russia that offers a nice array of markings for Soviet-built aircraft. In this release, Begemot produces a Polikarpov superset for the MPM/Special Hobby series of 1/32 I-16 kits. In this set, there are 47 different aircraft portrayed and it takes four sheets of decals to accomplish this feat. Let's take a look at the subjects covered:

I-16 I-16 I-16

  1. I-16 Type 10, 70 IAP, 3, Soviet AF, Tamsag-Bulak, 1939
  2. I-16 Type 10, 70 IAP, 5, Soviet AF, Tamsag-Bulak, 1937
  3. I-16 Type 10, 60 IAP, Soviet AF, Dzemgi, 1940
  4. I-16 Type 10, Research Aircraft, Moscow, 1939
  5. I-16 Type 10, 122 IAP, 15, Soviet AF, 1937
  6. I-16 Type 10, unk IAP, 5/7, Soviet AF, Khalhin Gol conflict, 1939
  7. I-16 Type 10, unk IAP, captured by German Army
  8. I-16 Type 10, 145 IAP, 23, Soviet AF, Shonguy, 1941
  9. I-16 Type 10, 1 Sqn/70 IAP, 2, Soviet AF, Tamsag-Bulak, 1939
  10. I-16 Type 10, 728 IAP, 91, Soviet AF, 1941
  11. I-16 Type 17, 5 IAP, 6, Soviet Baltic Fleet Aviation, 1939
  12. I-16 Type 17, 22 IAP, 51, Soviet AF, Khalhin Gol conflict, 1939
  13. I-16 Type 17, 191 IAP, 8, Soviet AF, Leningrad, 1941
  14. I-16 Type 17, 191 IAP, 43, Soviet AF, Leningrad, 1941
  15. I-16 Type 18, 13 AP, 5, Soviet Baltic Fleet Aviation, 1941
  16. I-16 Type 17, 4 GIAP, 28, Soviet Baltic Fleet Aviation, Novaya Lagoda, 1942
  17. I-16 Type 18, Plant 51 Overhaul, 1941
  18. I-16 Type 24, 13 OEh, Soviet Baltic Fleet Aviation, 1940
  19. I-16 Type 24, 32 IAP, Soviet Black Sea Fleet Aviation, 1941
  20. I-16 Type 24, 72 SAP, 13, Soviet North Fleet Aviation, Murmansk, 1941
  21. I-16 Type 24, 72 SAP, 10, Soviet North Fleet Aviation, Murmansk
  22. I-16 Type 24, 67 IAP, 72, Soviet AF, South Front, 1941
  23. I-16 Type 24, 4 GIAP, 34, Soviet Baltic Fleet Aviation, Vystav, 1942
  24. I-16 Type 24, 286 IAP, 30, Sovet AF, Leningrad Front, 1942
  25. I-16 Type 24, 4 GIAP, 21, Soviet Baltic Fleet Aviation, Ladoga, 1942
  26. I-16 Type 24, 27 IAP, 52, Soviet North Fleet Aviation, 1943
  27. I-16 Type 24, 72 SAP, 11, Soviet North Fleet Aviation, Murmansk, 1941
  28. I-16 Type 24, 254 IAP, 27, Soviet AF, Leningrad Front, 1943
  29. I-16 Type 24, 43 IAP, Soviet AF, Kharkov Operation, 1942
  30. I-16 Type 27, 975 IAP, 16, Soviet AF, Kuban Region, 1943
  31. I-16 Type 28, 69 IAP, 01, Soviet AF, Odessa, 1941
  32. I-16 Type 28, unk IAP, 4, Soviet AF, South Front, 1941
  33. I-16 Type 28, 79 SAP, 51, Soviet North Fleet Aviation, 1941
  34. I-16 Type 10, CM-158, 1 AS, Spanish Republican AF, 1939
  35. I-16 Type 10, CM-170, 4 AS, Spanish Republican AF, 1937
  36. I-16 Type 10, CM-174, 4 AS, Spanish Republican AF, 1937
  37. I-16 Type 10, CM-193, 3 AS, Spanish Republican AF, 1937
  38. I-16 Type 10, CM-222, 4 AS, Spanish Republican AF, 1937
  39. I-16 Type 10, CM-249, 21 AG, Spanish Republican AF, 1937
  40. I-16 Type 10, CM-215, 5 AS, Spanish Republican AF, 1938
  41. I-16 Type 10, CM-253, 6 AS, Spanish Republican AF, 1938
  42. I-16 Type 10, CM-260, 4 AS, Spanish Republican AF, 1938
  43. I-16 Type 10, 26 AG, Spanish AF, 1944
  44. I-16 Type 10, 2409, 24 Sqn, Chinese AF, 1940
  45. I-16 Type 10, 71, unk Sqn, Chinese AF, 1939
  46. I-16 Type 10, 94, unk Sqn, Chinese AF, 1940
  47. I-16 Type 10, 26 Sqn, Chinese AF, 1937

As you can see, this decal set provides a wide variety of national Air Forces as well as some interesting markings for the MPM/Special Hobby kits. If you've been considering some unique I-16 projects, this is the one-stop decal set to offer you (and your entire club) a nice selection of Polikarpovs.

For more information about this set and the other releases from Begemot Decals, visit their website at

My sincere thanks to Begemot Decals for this review sample!