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Amodel 1/72 I-190 Build Review

By Loren Pike

Date of Review July 2005 Manufacturer Amodel
Subject Polikarpov I-190 Scale 1/72
Kit Number 72112 Primary Media Styrene
Pros Interesting little kit Cons
Skill Level Basic MSRP (USD) $13.98


Previously pressented by Michael Benolkin, click here

to read.

The Kit

This kit will remind you of a “simpler time” when we has such brands as Hawk, Frog, Monogram, Revell (USA), Airfix (in the bag), etc. and the quality is very similar to that late 1950’s – early 1960’s era kits. A lot of fun for a small sum (of money!).

I should also congratulate A-MODEL for their box. This is the “top-bottom” type box, so you can actually use the box to store your cut-out parts and the assembled sub-assemblies. Seems as if many of the manufacturers are using the “end-opening” type which is worthless in the construction process. (OK, off soap box now!).



I really should start with a warning on cutting out this model. Sometimes you have to have the directions handy or the box top, as with many “short-run” kits, it is hard to tell where the part starts and the sprue ends. Be very careful “carving out” this kit from the sprue. A few kits “under your belt” and you should be “OK” with this part.

As to the assembly, Step 1 is the cockpit. I would follow the painting instructions, but very little of it will be seen on the finished model. So don’t spend a great deal of time “super detailing it”! Steps 2, 3A or 3B is next and you have to decide which version you want to build. Since I was going for the “early” version with skis, I choose 3A with part 26 for the propeller cover. Steps 4 and 5 have you assembling the main components.


I choose to add the engine cowling at this point, but I should describe a little “trick” that I added to help down the road with the propeller. I took two different sizes of aluminum tubing (should have used brass, but I had aluminum) and cut two sections about ½ inch long. The tubing fit inside of each other. I glued the larger section in the engine after I had drilled an appropriate hole, and super glued the other section in the hub of the propeller. I now have a free spinning propeller that will stay on fairly well, but can come off for transport and not have to worry about breaking the propeller off the aircraft.

Here I stopped and went to the spray booth for the overall white color. After the paint had dried for a couple of days, I completed the assembly putting on the undercarriage (skis) and with a drop of Future, attached the cockpit windscreen.



Other than some medium gray for the interior and the wheel wells, and some “dirty steel” for the engine (which you can’t see anyway, the rest of the painting was airbrushed on using a “satin” white from XtraColor. This was not a brilliant white, but sort of a “weary winter white” that I thought looked appropriate. Hard telling what color was REALLY used on Russian aircraft anyway! The propeller blades were brush painted an Aluminum color.


Six Russian red stars, 4 are one size for underneath the wings on both sides and both sides of the fuselage and 2 slightly larger red stars for the top of the top wing, both sides. Also, an instrument panel was given as a decal, although you are hard pressed to see it in the finished model. All decals went on very well, slipping off their backing easily, and adhered to the plastic with a minimum of setting solution. I used MicroSol, mainly out of habit, and put down a small puddle of it to slide the decal onto. Since the finish wasn’t really rough (more like semi-flat), no silvering has occurred.

I-190 I-190



As Michael said, in his “in box” review, if you are tired of the endless Me-109s or Spitfires or Mustangs, then this could be a kit for you. The skill level needed to put together is very basic, and I had a lot of fun assembling it. It looks good parked next to all my USN Blue aircraft or natural metal USAF aircraft or my few “Russian” aircraft. This will be a fine addition to that “Russian” line. Have fun and pull another kit off the “stash” and build it!!!

My sincere thanks to Squadron Mail Order for this review sample!