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German Paratroopers and Tankers Italy 1943

MiniArt 1/35 German Paratroopers and Tankers Italy 1943 Kit First Look

By Dave Manter

Date of Review September 2013 Manufacturer MiniArt
Subject German Paratroopers and Tankers Italy 1943 Scale 1/35
Kit Number 35163 Primary Media Styrene
Pros Great generic figure set Cons Nothing noted
Skill Level Intermediate MSRP (USD) $12.99

First Look

This MiniArt kit consists of 51 styrene parts molded in grey. All of the parts are molded very well and feature crisp detail. There is no flash and seam lines are minimal.

German Paratroopers and Tankers Italy 1943 Kit

There are parts for five full figures, two paratroopers and three tankers. Three of the figures are standing and the other two are sitting. The faces are sculpted very well and have nice animation. The uniforms are also sculpted very well.

The closer that you look at these figures, the better the detail gets!

Paint colors are called out on the back of the box and are provided for Vallejo, Testor, Tamiya, Humbrol, Revell, Mr. Color and Life Color.

Overall, a great set from MiniArt that will be a joy to build and paint!

Thanks to MRC for the review sample.