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European Farmyard

MiniArt 1/35 European Farmyard Kit First Look

By Michael Benolkin

Date of Review November 2013 Manufacturer MiniArt
Subject European Farmyard Scale 1/35
Kit Number 35558 Primary Media Styrene
Pros Nice subject with many uses Cons None
Skill Level Experienced MSRP (USD) $47.99

First Look

European Farmyard
European Farmyard
European Farmyard
European Farmyard
European Farmyard
European Farmyard

MiniArt has been producing complete stand-alone buildings in 1/35 scale to provide additional dimension to your dioramas and vignettes. Here is one of their latest - the European Farmyard which is a nice setting for numerous possibilities. This set consists of an outbuilding with shed and separate covered shelter for livestock. Also included is a two-wheeled cart and a table with benches.

The kit is made up of nine sheets of vacuformed styrene plus seven trees of injection-molded parts. The building interior walls have detailing on their surfaces, but it is up to you to build your own stalls and storage areas. While the construction of vacuum formed kits require a few different skills, they are easy to learn. MiniArt has some great tips and ideas for working with these kits on their own website and I would encourage you to take a look.

This set would make a nice setting for an ad-hoc command post (for example) with a Jeep, GAZ, Kubelwagen, or Humber in the yard and the appropriate figures working as well as flirting with the farmer's daughter. The setting is only limited by your imagination!

My sincere thanks to MRC for this review sample!